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For Immediate Release

Mona Loring


From how to deal with the child, to best and worst places, child therapy expert Rocky Spino advises parents and caregivers on the best time out procedures for young children.

Los Angeles, CA (May 12, 2009) – Licensed professional counselor and child therapy expert, Rocky Spino, is set to electronically release an educational audio presentation for parents entitled "Time Out Tune Up: 10 Easy Steps to Getting Time Out to Work Out with Your Child." As his first available online product, the audio program is just over 15 minutes long, packing in valuable strategies for helping parents and other caregivers with the time out process for young children. For $12, the program will address the “time outs never work with my child” syndrome, and be available for sale as a download from the "Psychotherapedia" resource page on his website http://rockyspino.com.

Here are some important things parents can expect to learn from the presentation:

           - Some common reasons time-outs don't work
           - When to use and not use time outs
           - Best and worst places for time-outs
           - What not to say when giving a time out and why
           - How to deal with the child who won't go to or won't stay in time-out

As a specialist in child and adolescent therapy, Rocky has built a highly reputable and successful practice in Central Pennsylvania. His extensive media experience and mental health work with children have combined to make him a uniquely qualified expert in his field. In addition to counseling hundreds of families over nearly 20 years of practice, he has served as clinical director of the Children’s Aid Society in New Oxford, Pennsylvania, supervised the work of clinical interns and therapists, presented widely on mental health issues in children, and taught graduate courses in counselor training programs. He continues to serve the needs of his full caseload of young clients and regularly reaches out to the public in his informative programs for parents, teens, and professionals.

To purchase or learn more about the audio presentation, please visit: http://rockyspino.com.

For media inquiries and appearance requests, please contact Mona Loring of MLC PR at
818-706-8080 or contact@monaloring.com.


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